The number of self help books, podcast, and motivational desk calendars out there are infinite. They’re created to help you improve yourself, be a better you, make more money, lose weight, live happier….but in reality how do they know what will make you your best self? They don’t. No one does. This is part of the journey we all need to take ownership of. It can be overwhelming and a lot to think about. Here are some good places to start working within yourself and getting to know the true you. We understand this is a lot but don't feel discouraged. If you’re starting from scratch take it slow. Do one thing at a time. Try it out to see how it feels. Once you get comfortable with one modality add another. Maybe you start writing first, then add meditation or yoga. You’ll find so many of these options can be interconnected. We’ve found inspiration to write after doing a slow vinyasa yoga flow while saying a mantra! These are the small intrinsic details that will slowly lead you to understand who you are at the rawest deepest level. Don’t try to force it, don’t try to rush it. Consistency is key. Just Keep showing up. You owe it to yourself.
Reap the Benefits
Once you start working through some of these items you may start to notice subtle changes in your day to day. You stop to enjoy the way the sun hits the trees, you smile as a cool breeze brushes across your face. You’re able to communicate your feelings better or keep patients in a situations you would otherwise become very angry. You empathize with others, don’t judge and recognize the only thing you can control is yourself and how you react to a given situation. We have no control of outside events or people. Learning and accepting this is LIBERATING. Love thy neighbor, respect thy neighbor but don’t let thy neighbor affect your internal peace unnecessarily.
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